He turns around for the hundredth time. His head has sunk once more into the pillow but one eye is still staring at the guitar in the corner. He read, wrote, browsed and played: a triathlon among pages, screens and chords. Then he's stored everything, he's brushed his teeth, done push-ups and hit the sack. He's read one last chapter with tensed cheeks and brow, then he thought it over and blamed it on his hormones, got a pack of tissues and did more exercise. But he's still there, staring at nothing, only a part of his body finally asleep.

Image "Insomnia, tacuinum sanitatis casanatensis" from wikipedia.org
I mean this article and I mean that song "How Do You Sleep"..you refer this article to yourself if I'm not mistaken?
The character is unnamed! haha
Yeah...But I thought you're referring to yourself...he he..You're a freelancer right? In what field?
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