Hard like steel, soft like cotton.
Dark like an eclipse, bright like a star.
Still like eternity, floating like a leaf.
Here you won't find the pages of a pedantic journal, praises to fantastic places or accounts of memorable encounters. This is a collection of stories, thoughts, images, and most of all odd stuff, even though to someone else it might actually look ordinary. To discern its bizarre side, in fact, special filters are needed: cynicism, fussiness, stubbornness, isolation, impudence, nosiness and nerdiness. All flaws that, in different measure, this semi-nomadic being has got embedded in his genes.
Hard like steel, soft like cotton.
Dark like an eclipse, bright like a star.
Still like eternity, floating like a leaf.
Ineffable, elusive
Pathologically shy
Spotted by few people
Just when dawn steps over night
Barely one time photographed
By the man who took this shot.
Ladies and gentlemen
This is a rare chance
The 25th hour
Was there for nearly an hour
And about an hour later
It got swallowed by the past.