Thursday, April 8, 2010


"Decadence can be interesting...if observed from the outside."

"More and more newspapers will charge for their online editions...millions of bloggers say thanks for the favor!"

"Drama 2.0: my mum has joined a social network. I've always thought that I was her adored son but I've just been demoted to the rank of mere friend!"

"When it comes to red wine one just needs to buy a bottle...a good reason to open it will present itself soon."

"In the right spot, with the proper soundtrack and after a couple of drinks...Bangkok can become a sort of psychedelic dream..."

"I'm not the materialistic type, but if it wasn't for the money...I'd rather not go through some of that rubbish..." 

Click here for other thoughts 

Photo "Thinking is timeless" by Papyrarri (CC), from flickr

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