Friday, February 2, 2024

The namesake - Jhumpa Lahiri

We’ve already met this outstanding Indian-American female writer when we talked about her debut work: the short-story collection “The interpreter of maladies”.
“The namesake” is a novel that deals with the life of an American born Indian guy, who is named Gogol, after the great Russian author, for reasons related to his father’s past. The naming procedure in Bengali tradition is more complicated than the one we use in the West, and it will trigger a sequence of events that will bind the protagonist to a name that he learns to despise, and to a part of his family history that he will get to know only when he is an adult.
Jhumpa Lahiri’s skills for mood visualization and her passion for non irrelevant details greatly empowers her prose and provides a sort of pleasant melancholy feeling that takes us through the various phases of Gogol’s story.
I will definitely look for more of her books.

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