Though the climate of the tropics can be hard to endure, heat and humidity have a pleasant side. A parade of shoulders, of legs and of backs is always on display to please a man's eye.
But a virus of trends, a fashion flu, that is not related to birds and pigs, appeared in Bangkok not long ago. It doesn't kill people, only fantasies and dreams: it spreads around with pandemic speed, without any barriers of geography and age, by means of TV series and magazines.
A girl is walking alone in a mall: her top is tight on her shoulders and breast, her ankles are hugged by the straps of her shoes, through which one can glance at the painted nails. The calves are thin but slightly rounded, the muscles are slender, agile and firm, and they fit in the smoothest skin of the world.
She lifts one knee to climb a step, the cloth of her skirt glides over her thigh and you steal a glance just by tilting your head. When the movement of the leg has reached its peak, from under the hem an intruder comes up. What the hell is a pair of shorts hiding there for? Skirts are skirts and pants are pants: trousers can be worn in many trendy ways, but one of the things a girl should never do is slipping a skirt on top of them.
Disappointment and deception are blurring my thoughts. I'm lead to believe that shyness and fashion don't have anything to do with that terrible match: those shorts might be there just to punish my cheek.
Photo "High heels", from
Some girls wears a short so that no one can see their undies. If she's wearing a denim short under her skirt, well, it's not nice..but if she's wearing a boy leg, it's just fine..
I don't agree, miniskirts were invented in the '60s with the clear intent to provoke, to break the code, to launch a message. The chance that the undies could be exposed was part (maybe the most important part) of the idea. If a girl doesn't want to take that chance she can just wear pants, or something longer: a miniskirt with shorts under it is just plain bad taste...
I respect your opinion..You're from a liberated country I know..But honestly, most of the girls I know usually wears a boy leg under it..But not the same length as their skirt..Just enough to cover their undies..And enough to disappoint the boys who waits or who wishes to see some undies..;)
Yeah, I know. But think about it. That was exactly the point of miniskirts: to liberate countries that 50 years ago were not yet so liberated...humiliate them with shorts worn beneath is killing the whole idea, besides obliterating the effect.
Ok ok...Actually you have a point..But theres this little voice inside me who wanted to shout that I still have a point!..ha ha..I wont argue about that anymore...I'm not a fan of mini skirt anyway..
I am a fan, and I don't mean that I like to wear them hehe
Even if you wanna wear one, its just fine...he he
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